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How to make a cool video

Spoiler: it starts with the brief and some things before it
sahal corporate video production blog

So you’ve decided to make a video.You come to the video production or advertising agency and tell them that you want a cool video. And they say – okay dear client but first let’s talk. Please tell us about your company and business, what are your competitors, what are your goals, what are the tasks the video should solve… And more and more and a million other questions :) 

And you’re like, whoa! Does it all really need to make a two-minute corporate video?Or a short ad for YouTube for 15 seconds?

Yessss, it’s absolutely necessary. Because when working on the video, creators should have maximum info about your company and the sphere of your business, to feel it, to immerse themselves in it. They need to ask the developers about the product in order to understand the sense and the features. To put themselves in the shoes of your client and to see what’s the main thing. And to find the words to speak with your audience.

Your video should work on business, not just exist.

That’s the reason why good videoproduction ALWAYS has a million questions to your company.

So let’s put it down: good brief = cool video.

In this article we will tell you from the side of videoproduction how to prepare for our millions of questions and to make the brief really effective.

Separate the task and the problem

Every communication that goes out on behalf of the brand should solve a definite business task and take into account the problem. To make the communication effective, your agency should know the task and problem at the start.

TASK – what should be done to achieve a definite business goal.
This is a fully internal story. Business task is formed inside the company and is based on the business strategy. Often the task concerns the change of a certain quantitative indicator. To increase sales, to promote a new product, to push awareness.

PROBLEM (barrier, challenge) – something that prevents completing a task, our enemy.By the way, the problem does not always lie on the surface. Sometimes to find a real obstacle, you need to work hard on it making brand audit, market analysis and / or deep interviews with employees.

Bad example of the task and the problem:
We need new clients BUT we do not advertise.

Good example of the task and the problem:
We need to fill 50 vacancies for the qualification «X» in the city «Y» BUT the candidates do not know about our employer brand: what we offer, why we're cool, how we're better than others.

Do you feel the difference? Specifics is the king.

Describe the target audience

Or the audiences – yas, you might have more than one and it’s okay.But your videoproduction should know about that on the stage of ideas preparation.

It’s a bingo when you have the portrait of every TA with social details (sex, age, location), the drivers (what makes your people to choose your goods or services, to change workplace etc.) and the barriers (what stops them). Because when we know your audience in details, we can find its real pain and needs. And can effectively work on creative.

Tell us about your brand basics

When working on video, we and you are more than a contractor and a customer.We are one creative team and our common aim is to explain to the target audience what your (our) brand is about and why they need it. Therefore, it is very important that you tell us these most important things. And we will tell the TA with the help of creativity and video.

1. Brand positioning – how your brand differs from competitors;
2. Value proposition
– what advantages gets the customer when choosing your brand;
3. Key message
– one main thought which should remain in the customer’s brain after watching your video.

P.S. and we haven't talked about references yet.
But okay, it's a topic for the next article :)

Now what's the conclusion? Teamwork is the key!Your company and our videoproduction always have one common goal – to make a cool video. So please answer a million questions from us. It really matters.
And let's make candy together!

By the way, in Sahal Creative we make not only ad videos. Also we develop ideas, create strategies, advertising campaigns and videos for B2B marketing. If you are looking for video production in Dubai, Istanbul or Kyiv, contact us. Also you can see our cases here: this is SAHAL creative profile on DesignRush

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